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  • 【今そこにある危機】自公維の大罪【大量に押し寄せる支那人移民】の記事画像
  • 【今そこにある危機】自公維の大罪【大量に押し寄せる支那人移民】の記事画像
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About me!(英訳)

Hi,The contents of this movie are political, and it mainly criticizes Soka Gakkai, which is the cancer of Japan, China, South Korea, North Korea (limited to those who have anti-Japanese sentiments), and Japan Teachers' Union (the worst, largest federation of labor unions composed of Japanese teachers and school staff).

I would like to inform people around the world that Japan is now in crisis. Most of Japanese mass media, including the national broadcaster NHK, cooperate with Soka Gakkai and the Japanese ad agency Dentsu, and Chinese Communist Party is influential.

Disadvantageous news for South Korea, North Korea, China, and Soka Gakkai are hardly covered by TV programs and newspapers, etc.

To people around the world:
Japan was defeated in the war, and the post-war GHQ education has forced Japanese young people to believe the false TV news and learn the fabricated history. Comfort women (undocumented prostitutes, who earned more than the then President and rarely gave birth to the half-blood) and the Nanking Massacre (most of photos are composite) were forged by China and South Korea.

I hope everyone around the world will know the true history of Japan.

I, a Japanese person, am striving to protect our country, staking my life. At this rate, the minority race Japanese people will follow the fate of Tibet.

Japanese people are more thoughtful than other races. The reason why this country became insane after the war is that undocumented Korean people have continued autocratic activities in Japan.

My movie depicts my fury over stupid, wealthy, spoiled politicians and peace-addicted Japanese citizens. I hope that people around the world will become aware of the truth.


